The Global Warming Hoax and the Fake Science Behind Climate Change - Cowger Nation


The Global Warming Hoax and the Fake Science Behind Climate Change - Cowger NationClimate change, formerly called global warming, is a fraud and a hoax. A revealing new science paper published in the science journal “Nature Geoscience” has just fully exposed the climate change hoax. The paper, a confession authored by climate change alarmists Myles R. Allen, Richard J. Millar, and others, reveals that global warming climate models are flat wrong, having been biased and crafted towards “worst case” warming predictions that were designed to alarm and scare the general public.

The Global Warming Hoax and the Fake Science Behind Climate Change - Cowger NationThe paper, entitled, “Emission budgets and pathways consistent with limiting warming to 1.5 °C,” concludes that the global warming scenarios long touted by people such Al Gore, the liberal media, and other climate “scientists” was based on faulty, fraudulently programmed software models that don’t stand up to actual measured temperatures in the real world. Carbon dioxide emissions don’t produce the global warming effects that have been wildly overstated by climate change alarmists.

Even if it were true, a slight or even a drastic warming of the planet would probably be a good thing. Many places on Earth are uninhabitable, due of the frigid temperatures. A tropical Antarctica would be a great thing for the world. And if the polar ice caps melted, the sea levels won’t rise substantially and put us all underwater.

The Global Warming Hoax and the Fake Science Behind Climate Change - Cowger NationAntarctica was once a tropical continent, before the biblical global flood of Noah, in a time when the Earth’s temperatures were regulated throughout the globe. Scripture-science scholars know this, because of the Scripture account of the global flood and all the dinosaur bones that are found in Antarctica. But God-denying scientists are not always reasonable, so some believe in Artic dinosaurs that once lived in frigid ice cold temperatures

The Global Warming Hoax and the Fake Science Behind Climate Change - Cowger NationAfter the global flood of Noah, the global regulated tropical weather upon the Earth did change, and seasons were instituted – Genesis 8:22. When climate change propagandists repeatedly show glaciers breaking apart and falling into the sea, that’s not global warming, it’s called “spring.”


Man-made carbon emissions do not remain heat trapping greenhouse gasses caught in the Earth’s atmosphere. Here is why man-made carbon emissions will NEVER change the climate of the planet:

The Global Warming Hoax and the Fake Science Behind Climate Change - Cowger NationOur Earth’s climate is stable because of its ecosystem; the stable, symbiotic, balanced relationship between plants and animals and the strong, stable, durable, adaptable (not fragile), self-cleaning, self-regulating atmosphere of the Earth. The more carbon we humans produce, the more the plants around the world breathe in the carbon and churn out oxygen. The global warming / climate change scientists are not telling the public this.

The climate change alarmists are being dishonest when they say humans are emitting “heat trapping greenhouse gasses.” That would be a true statement IF Earth did not have symbiotic plant life on to take in the carbon emissions and churn out filtered clean oxygenated air in its place.

The Earth’s skies constantly cleanse themselves of air pollution, which dissipates and comes down in rain, so the air remains clean and breathable. Carbon emissions are NOT air pollution, but are a natural gas, even though the EPA in 2009 ruled that CO2 is an air pollutant. The Earth’s atmosphere is strong and self-cleansing and, through a symbiotic relationship between oxygen breathing animals and carbon breathing plants, cleanses and regulates itself.

If man could build carbon producing machines on planet Mars, then on that lifeless planet, the carbon gasses produced would act as a heat trapping gas, because there are no oxygen producing plants on Mars to take in the gasses and churn out oxygenated air. The carbon atmosphere of Venus is such a place where carbon is trapped and the planet is extremely hot because of the trapped carbon gas. Trapped CO2 gas, causing substantial global warming, will not happen on Earth, unless man makes a concerted effort to eradicate all plant life from the planet.


The Global Warming Hoax and the Fake Science Behind Climate Change - Cowger NationWhen we see a man using a jackhammer in the street, or when a group of people jump up and down on the surface of the planet, isn’t it possible that such activities could knock the Earth out of its orbit and send us spiraling into the Sun, or hurling us out of orbit into deep space? Of course it is not possible, because Earth’s orbit around the Sun is very stable.

As absurd as it is to believe that man’s activities upon the Earth could alter its orbit around the Sun, it is likewise just as absurd to believe that man can alter the climate of the planet through routine carbon emissions.

The Global Warming Hoax and the Fake Science Behind Climate Change - Cowger NationHypocrite Al Gore, who emits more than 10x the amount of carbon as the average American family through his private jet and air conditioned mansion lifestyle, was 100% wrong in his predictions about climate change in “An Inconvenient Truth.” There is no reason to believe anything else Al Gore has to say in his follow up film, “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power,” or believe any of the other the climate change alarmist minions still pushing the lie that the Earth is warming up due to man-made carbon emissions.

The Global Warming Hoax and the Fake Science Behind Climate Change - Cowger Nation


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