Hoax papers damaging scientists' reputation - The Times

A joke paper inspired by Star Wars on the science behind Jedis written by an anonymous blogger which was accepted for publication by four academic journals last monthLUCAS FILMS

Science has solved many of society’s pressing problems. The long list of mysteries it has cleared up does not include how to use grapefruit to break the ice in social situations or what the views of Siri, the mobile phone voice assistant, are on nuclear physics.

These are listed in a Canadian biologist’s collection of the worst research papers — all of which were spoofs designed to reveal the growing problem of bogus academic journals.

These are proliferating at a rate of hundreds a year, experts say. The journals target academics, asking them to pay to submit papers, but this weakens the value of real research and damages universities and respected journals, according to professors.

Zen Faulkes, who works at the University of Texas Rio…

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