Mantan Wakil Presiden Try Sutrisno, Natalia Indrasari, membantah informasi yang sebut ayahnya meninggal dunia.
Lia menegaskan kabar tersebut adalah hoax karena sang ayah dalam kondisi baik-baik saja.
Bantahan tersebut disertai dengan sejumlah foto yang ia unggah di akunInstagramnya, @blademaiden7, Senin (15/1/2017) pagi.
Lia membagikan momen kebersamaan keluarga saat sarapan pagi.
Tampak Try Sutrisno yang duduk tersenyum di antara keluarganya.
Lia juga menceritakan awal mula menerima kabar hoax tersebut.
Tiba-tiba banyak pesan ucapan duka cita di ponselnya.
Keluarganya berniat akan mencari sumber pertama yang mengabarkan kabar tak benar tersebut karena telah mengganggu waktu istirahatnya.
Lia juga menegaskan akan membuat tidur si penyebar berita tak tenang karena jadi incaran petugas berwajib.
"Woke up this morning because my phone was blowing up. 168 Whatssap messages, 120 facebook messages, phone calls, of friends offering condolences or asking confirmations due to this whatsapp message that was circulating, stating that, my Dad had passed away last night. That is a hoax. He is alive and well. One good thing that came out of this, is that now, we are having breakfast party with my siblings and nephews. Regardless of losing sleep, I am still thankful that a lot of people actually care and was ready to offer support to us. So, thank you for that. One thing, tho, please don't easily believe what you receive from the internet. Please check and double check. If you are not sure, please do not forward anything. Thank you. I promise, if anything should ever happen to my family, I will make the announcement. Also, we were told that the cyber team of the Indonesian DOD has been able to trace the source of the hoax. I think we'll switch places now. Now I'm ready for a nap and this person might be losing some sleep," tulisnya.
Sejumlah warganet pun turut berkomentar pada unggahan yang dibuat oleh Lia.
Banyak yang bersyukur melihat kondisi Try Sutrisno dalam kondisi sehat.
Ada pun yang mendoakan agar mantan wapres di era Soeharto tersebut tetap sehat dan panjang umur.
Simak video di atas! (*)
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