Bin fine warning letter is a hoax - Wigan Today

Fake letters have been circulated to Wigan residents outlining town hall plans to impose a £75 bin fine.

Wigan Council has urged people to discard the letter, which is being pushed through doors telling people they will be fined for leaving their bin out overnight.

The letter, which contains a council logo, is full of grammatical and spelling errors and is also addressed from Mike Worden who is no longer a town hall employee.

The hoax letter is worded as follows: “It has come to our attention recycling/refuse bins are being left at the front of properties after collection day. We also noted that there is an ongoing problem and must make you aware that all bins should be returned back onto your property and stored at the rear of your property.

“If we find any properties not complying with the order, then residents will be fined £75.”

However, council chiefs say that the £75 fine is not a new strategy to deal with residents leaving out bins. The town hall has said that they have had the power to issue a fine for this offence since 1990, along with any other local authority, but this action is very rarely taken.

The council’s preferred method to prevent bins being left in the street is to put stickers on bins.

Paul Barton, assistant director for environment, explained: “The warning sticker is the first step in our process leading to enforcement and is a reminder not to leave the bin out and to number it.”


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