NASA confirms Biblical Apocalyptic claim is hoax - The TeCake

Biblical Apocalyptic Claim

The hoax created by some superstitious persons claiming that September 23 will be a doomsday for Earth has now proven false. Scientists from NASA has confirmed that the Biblical Apocalyptic claim is none other than a hoax.

It was earlier speculated that an object called Planet X will destroy the Earth. While, that time as well, NASA commented on the theory and termed it as a hoax. However, still few people continue to give their opinion on the matter.

It was all started when several Christian conspiracy theorists claimed that the Earth would be destroyed on September 23. However, they didn’t have any evidence to prove their claims. Later, the popular author who wrote ‘Planet: The 2017 Arrival’, David Meade prescribed that a hidden planet called ‘Nibiru’ will suddenly appear in the sky hit our blue planet. And this will be the end of the world.

David Meade claims that an unknown Planet Nibiru will suddenly come in front of Earth containing heavy debris, firestorms causing the eruption of supervolcanoes, tsunamis which will lead to mass death and end of the world. His assumption is based on the prophecy of Book of Revelation in which some hypothetical things are written about the catastrophic events taking place on Earth.

But now NASA and its scientists said that there is no such hidden planet named Nibiru in the Universe. If it would have been there, then it would have been tracked by this time

Explaining the scenario and Meade’s predictions, the researchers further said that his assumptions weren’t practical at all, despite the fact, they were based on verses and numerical values depicted in the Bible.

Mead, in his theory, has targeted one number that is 33. He believes that as Jesus lived for 33 years and also the name Elohim, the name of God to the Jews, was also mention 33 times, hence 33has become biblically significant and also a numerologically significant number. Also, September 23 falls after 33 days of the August 21 solar eclipse. Another Christian numerologist said that there is number sequence written in Bible that is Luke 21-25-26 which matches with the fact that Total solar eclipse occurred on August 21, Hurricane Harvey hit Texas on August 25 and flooded Houston on August 26.

He also said that he is not telling about the total destruction of Earth but points out to the fact that the recent unexpected calamities happening to earth and on the Sun might lead to some more destruction in coming weeks.

See Also: If Biblical passage is to be believed, then the world will end on September 23
See Also: Earth’s Doomsday Predicted On This Month’s Solar Eclipse by Mysterious Planet “Nibiru”
See Also: Is Doomsday Approaching? Conspiracy Theorist Claims Earth To Be Destroyed By Planet Nibiru In September

Tags: Biblical Apocalypse, Biblical Apocalyptic Claim, Doomsday, Eand Of World, End of Earth, NASA, Planet X


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