Downtown shooting report determined to be hoax - Toledo Blade

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Toledo Police said they are treating a 911 call about shots fired Friday morning outside the Family Court Center as a hoax.

The report caused the Lucas County Courthouse across the street to go into lockdown for about 15 minutes. No one was allowed in or out of the building, and each of the offices and courtrooms was locked.

The Family Court Center at 429 Michigan St., which houses domestic-relations court, did not go on lockdown.

All persons entering the building are subject to airport-style security checks, similar to what is done at the county courthouse, and there are court security personnel and cameras throughout the building.

“We have security all over the place,” said Judy Stensland, assistant to the family court administrator. “I don't see how anybody could get in here with a gun.”

As it turns out, no one did.

“We determined very early on that it was a crank call,” said Toledo Police Capt. Joe Heffernan. “We're still trying to track down the source of the call. We don't have any suspects right now, but it appears the call was not made near the downtown area.”

He said whoever made the call could be charged with inducing panic.


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